Here are some of the new features in Java 6:
Collections Framework:
1. New Interfaces and implementations :
TreeSet implements NavigableSet
TreeMap implements NavigableMap
2. Collections class contains 2 new methods
newSetfromMap( Map).
I/O Changes:
New Class: Console to access character based console device.
New methods added to File class getFreeSpace(), getUsableSpace(), getTotalSpace()
Collections Framework:
1. New Interfaces and implementations :
- Deque: double ended queue which supports insertion/deletion at both ends.
- NavigableSet &NavigableMap contains navigation methods to get closest match for given search target.
TreeSet implements NavigableSet
TreeMap implements NavigableMap
2. Collections class contains 2 new methods
newSetfromMap( Map).
I/O Changes:
New Class: Console to access character based console device.
New methods added to File class getFreeSpace(), getUsableSpace(), getTotalSpace()