Friday, March 8, 2013

SQL Basics- Part 3

SQL Functions
Char Functions: Few basic functions
1.     Concat (empanme, address): only 2 parameters
a.     Select concat(empname, address) from emp;
2.     UPPER(empname) : 1 parameter
a.     Select UPPER(empname) from emp;
3.     LOWER(empname): 1 parameter
a.     Select LOWER(empname) from emp;
4.     initcap(empname) : First letter of each word capital
a.     select initcap(empname) from emp;
b.    Result: “Test Result” for value “test result”
5.     REPLACE(empname, str1, str2): str1 in empname is replaced by str2

NUMBER Functions:
1.     ROUND(num): float to integer
2.     ROUND(num, +/- n): nth digit after/before decimal
a.     Select round(121.57, -2) from  sysibm.sysdummy1;
b.    Result: 100 (if n = -1 –> 120, n=1 -> 121.60)
3.     CEIL(num): add 1 if value has any decimal value
4.     FLOOR(num): cuts 0ff decimal part FLOOR(2.1) = 2, FLOOR(-2.1) = 3
5.     SQRT(num): square root of number
6.     Sin, cos, tan etc – Takes 1 parameter
NULL value:
·         Always use is [not ] null  ( [!]= null is not correct)
·         Any arithmetic operation with null returns null.
List functions:
Greatest (x1 .. x255)      :
Select greatest (salary, 10000) from emp; returns salary if >10000 else return 10000
Least(x1 .. X255)
Select least(salary, 5000) from emp; returns salary if <5000 5000="" else="" o:p="" return="">
GROUP Functions/ Aggregate Functions:
1.     Sum(column)
2.     Avg(column)
3.     Min(column)
4.     max (column)
5.     count(sal)
6.     count(*)
7.     stddev (column)
8.     variance (column)
Rules for group functions:
·         cannot use in where clause
o    Select * from emp where sal> avg(sal) (Not Valid)
o    Solution: Select * from emp where sal> (Select avg(sal) from emp );
·         Cannot specify column in select having group function unless column is specified in group by clause
o    Select dept, sum(salary) from emp; (Not valid)
o    Select dept, sum(salary from emp group by dept; Valid
·         Whichever Column is in group by Clause need not be present in select statement
o    Select sum(salary) from emp group by dept;
·         where clause can come before group by
·         sequence of columns in group by affects speed of processing
·         Specify condition on group by output use having   
o    Select dept, sum(salary) from emp group by dept having sum(salary) > 1000;
·         For sorted o/p use order by after group by
·         Group function can be used in having clause without using group by statement

Sequence of statements in query
·         Select

·         Where

·         Group by

·         Having

·         Order by

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